Well, here goes. My first blog. I really have no idea what I am doing. I guess this whole process is to write what I think like I would in journal. Except for that this is public as where my journal....no so much.
I can talk about a variety of issues...but I mainly started this to be involved in the storytelling community.
I have been storytelling since 1996 and since then I have had opportunities to share the stage with great storytellers as well as experience life altering performances by some fabulous storytellers and to top it off I have been able to travel through parts of China with some unforgettable storytellers. That storytelling delegation is a group that I will share memories with for the rest of my life.
I started telling Native American stories and due to my travels and experiences with other storytellers I have developed an interest in all stories. A great lesson I learned while in China was how all cultures are more alike than different when it comes to the tradition of storytelling. All cultures story tell for the same reasons......to teach. And that is what I want to bring back. I want to teach how storytelling was used centuries ago. It was not used for entertainment. It was and still is used as a teaching tool.
Another reason I story tell is so my little nieces and nephew know about those who passed before them. Because I feel that when we tell stories about those that have moved on to their next journey we keep their spirit alive and we keep them close to use. I want them to know those wonderful people that I was blessed to know and to know the meaning of family strength. Because that is what my family is all about.