Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Home Swee Home

Growing up kids play some form of "house". Whether it be with other friends playing with a kid size kitchen set and baby dolls or Barbie. Someone is always playing house at home, daycare, or school. And then.....we dream of what the house we will one day live in will look like. Mine, as a child, was going to have a French garden filled with all kinds of colorful flowers that would bring in the humming birds and butterfly's. It was going to be two story with French doors leading to my wonderful garden. There were going to be columns by the front door and a large arch way that would lead my guest to the living room. I imagined something on a much grander scale than what I am actually going to get. But not matter the size it will be mine. The process is starting. The trees are being cleared, which part of me hates because they were perfectly healthy trees, but I understand why the trees had to be destroyed. It is amazing how quickly some things go. Like taking up the tress. I went to the site one day and there were large chunks of dirt, tree limbs, roots, and limbs everywhere. You could not walk without tripping over a part of a tree. Then a few days later I returned (because I think if I keep watching what is going on it will get built faster.......yes I am reminded of the watched pot theory)the tress where completely gone. The location of where the trees once stood where gone.
My house is not going to be two story and it won't have the grand entry way that I imagined....but it will be my home.

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